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【成大讲坛】刘新芝:New Ideas and Challenges in Hybrid Dynamical Systems

浏览:524 时间:2018年09月25日 14:21 字体:【

主讲人简介:刘新芝教授,加拿大滑铁卢大学应用数学系教授。1988年在美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校获博士学位,1990年受聘滑铁卢大学并于1994年被聘为该校终身教授。研究方向包括:混合动力系统,非线性系统控制及稳定性,复杂网络的同步,保密通讯,传染病模型等。已发表学术论文300余篇,学术专著5部, 学术编著20余部。现任国际学术杂志“DCDIS Series A, Mathematical Analysis” 主编,兼任多个国际学术杂志的编委。

主讲内容简介:There has been a growing interest in the study of hybrid dynamical systems around the globe. Such systems arise in many applications such as switching circuits in power electronics, orbital transfer and control of spacecrafts, multimedia switching communication networks, drug administration in cancer chemotherapy, interest rate adjustment, constrained impact mechanics, and ecosystems management. Hybrid dynamical systems provide a natural framework for mathematical modeling of complex reactive systems in which physical processes interact with man-made automated environments. However, there are many challenging issues. Many theorems of continuous dynamical systems fail on hybrid dynamical systems, which is especially so when the systems contain time delay and stochastic disturbance. New ideas need to be developed that deal with impacts, jumps, switching, sliding and chattering problems in a robust and easily applicable way. This talk will discuss some recent results and potential research problems in hybrid dynamical systems. 





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