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【成大讲坛】Maurycy Daroch :利用蓝细菌细胞工厂在生物炼制中减排和增值CO2

浏览:891 时间:2018年04月03日 08:43 字体:【

主讲人简介:Maurycy Daroch (毛睿慈),北京大学环境与能源学院副教授,博士生导师。波兰罗兹工业大学硕士,利物浦大学博士,北京大学博士后。研究兴趣主要在分子生物学和生物能源领域,包括生物质与生物能、酶学、蛋白质表达和代谢工程。先后主持多项国家自然科学基金、省市科学基金和国际合作项目,在国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文50多篇。

主讲内容简介:Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes capable of oxygenic photosynthesis that occupy numerous biological niches from cold oceans to terrestrial hot springs. These unicellular prokaryotes have rapid growth rates, minimal nutritional requirements, can consume CO2 from various sources, and utilise sunlight as a source of energy. Additionally, these organisms can synthesise various useful compounds with interesting bioactivities or applications such as phycocyanins, carotenoids, vitamins, polyhydroxyalkanoates or enzymes. All these features make them promising organisms for valorisation of CO2 and other waste streams in biorefineries. In recent years the advances in synthetic biology allowed for unprecedented expansion of the repertoire of products that can be produced from CO2 and now include: ethanol, isopropanol, isoprene, ethylene and many others. This talk will focus on our recent efforts in designing a microbial cell factory for the degradation of recalcitrant textile dyes, isolation and characterisation of high value products from thermophilic cyanobacteria and pursuit of an efficient chassis for industrial and environmental synthetic biology.




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